vocal and instrumental music of East Asian Countries
Japanese music is the art concerned with combining vocal or instrumental sounds for beauty of
form or emotional expression. Another important fact to be considered is the presence of northern Asian
tribal traditions in the form of Ainu culture surviving on Hokkaido island. Basically, traditional Japanese music is basically meditative in character. Its performance is highly ritualized, as much in the music itself, as in the composure of the musicians when performing it. Japanese chamber and solo music have a slow meditative pace. The performance of Japanese music has traditionally been of a spiritual character, similarly to martial arts and other forms of art such as the tea ceremony and calligraphy. It is usually about religious festivals, work, dance, love, and regional songs.
form or emotional expression. Another important fact to be considered is the presence of northern Asian
tribal traditions in the form of Ainu culture surviving on Hokkaido island. Basically, traditional Japanese music is basically meditative in character. Its performance is highly ritualized, as much in the music itself, as in the composure of the musicians when performing it. Japanese chamber and solo music have a slow meditative pace. The performance of Japanese music has traditionally been of a spiritual character, similarly to martial arts and other forms of art such as the tea ceremony and calligraphy. It is usually about religious festivals, work, dance, love, and regional songs.
Music of Japan |
Music of China
For several thousand years, Chinese culture
was dominated by the teachings of the
philosopher Confucius, he conceived music in
the highest sense as a means of calming the
passion of dispelling of unrest and lust, rather
than as a form of amusement. Traditionally, the Chinese have believed that sound influences the harmony of the universe. Significantly, one of the most important duties of the first emperor of each new dynasty was to search out and establish that dynasty’s sound through standard of pitch. A result of this philosophical orientation was that the Chinese theoretically opposed music performed solely for entertainment.
The music of China dates back to the dawn of Chinese Civilization with documents and artifacts
providing evidence of a well-developed musical culture as early as the Zhou Dynasty (1122 B.C.E). In
ancient China, music was regarded as central to the harmony and longevity of the state. Chinese traditional music is played on solo instruments or in small ensembles or in small ensembles of plucked and bowed stringed instruments, flutes, and various cymbals, gongs, and drums.
Korea’s folk music tradition, with its generous use of bright rhythms and melodies, offers a more energetic and capricious contrast to the nation’s collection of classical music works.
Folk music represents the soul and sound of traditional Korean villages with an eclectic array of music forms including numerous folk songs, various forms of instrumental pieces, pansori, and shaman ritual music, one of the most popular traditional folk song of korea is “Arrirang” listen to the music on this following links Chong-ak means literally “right or correct music” is one of the classification of Korean music,. Its tradition includes both instrumental and vocal music, which were cultivated mainly by the upper-class literate of the Joseon society. Chong-ak also refers to ensemble music for men of high social status outside of the court. In this category, three important terms are a-ak, tang-ak, and hyang-ak. Sog-ak or minsogak is another category which is traditionally associated with the lower classes of for the general public and is vibrant and energetic. It includes genres such as pansori and minyo. Pansori is a kind of music presented to audiences by skilled vocal singers and drummers. But even the unskilled could sing these songs. They sang when they worked in the rice paddy or fields, sang when they went off their lover and sang when their life was troubled and weighing them down.
Watch and Listen
Bugaku "Ryo-oh"(court music and dance)
Musique japonaise traditionnelle -Miyazu bushi (Japanese Traditional Music, minyô)
A. China:
MO LI HUA Lyrics Traditional Chinese Song
Song Zuying - Jasmine Flower
B. Korea
Arirang Lyrics Video. Traditional Korean folk song.
Arirang (아리랑)
A. Directions: Write the letter that corresponds to the correct answer on the space provided. Use a separate
Sheet of paper.
_____1. It is a Japanese folk song depicting spring, which is the season for cherry blossoms.
a. Mo Li Hua
b. Arirang
c. Sakura
_____2. It is a meter used in the Chinese folk song “Mo Li Hua”
a. Quadruple
b. Triple
c. Duple
_____3. It is a traditional Chinese song with a gentle and lyrical melody.
a.Mo Li Hua
b. Arirang
c. Sakura
_____4. A Korean folk song which evokes the shedding of tears by Koreans and the remembrance
of sad stories specifically partings.
a. Arirang
b. Mo Li Hua
c. Sakura
____5. It is a category of traditional Korean music that is associated with the upper –class
a. Minyo
b. Chong-ak
c. Sog-ak
_____6. It is a statement that would show your understanding of the traditional music of Japan?
a. Japanese music is usually about religious festivals, work, dance, love, and regional songs.
b. Japan is one of the most beautiful countries in Southeast Asia
c. Koto is the Capital city of Japan
_____7. Which of the following statements shows factual characteristics aboutChinese music?
a. China’s musical instruments are classified into aerophones and idiophones only.
b. China is well known for its Kabuki performances.
c. Chinese music was dominated by the teachings of the philosopher Confucius and the Chinese
believed that the sound influences the harmony.
_____8. which of the following statemnts shows best description for Chines music?
a. It is gentle and lyrical
b. It is slow in tempo and is very peaceful
c. It is meditative and highly ritualized
_____9. It is in this song category that arirang is classified.
a. Welcome song
b. love song
c. song for spring
_____10. It is a category of traditional Korean music which is associated with the lower –class
a. Minyo
b. Chong-ak
c. Sog-ak