--> What are the Musical Elements of Selected Vocal and Instrumental music of Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Period | Music 9 | Techpopop


What are the Musical Elements of Selected Vocal and Instrumental music of Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Period | Music 9

Musical Elements of Selected Vocal and Instrumental music of Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Period

 Music of the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Periods

LESSON 1: Music of the Medieval Period (700-1400)

The Medieval Era is otherwise known as Middle Ages or Dark Ages which began with
the fall of the Roman Empire. The Christian Church influenced the Europe’s culture and political
affairs during this period.

A monophonic plainchant known as Gregorian Chant was named after Pope Gregory I
who created this an approved music of the Catholic Church which became popular.

There are two types of music during this period namely;
1. Gregorian Chant which is a sacred music with the following characteristics; FLUMM (Free
Meter, Latin Liturgy based, Use of Neume notation, Monophonic, and Modal)

2. Troubadour Music which is a secular music with the following characteristics; TWOSU (Tells
of chivalry and courtly love, Written in French Language, Originated in France, Sometimes with
Improvised Accompaniment, Usually monophonic)

The famous composer during this period is Adam de la Halle, French, 1237-1288 who
was also known as Adam le Bossu (Adam the Hunchback). His works include
1. Le Jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion)
2. La Chanson du roi de Sicile ( The Song of the King of Sicily)
Listening Activity 1
Listen to the link below that features Le Jeu de Robin et de Marion

LESSON 2 : Music of the Renaissance Period (1400-1600)

The word Renaissance derived from the word renaitre which means “rebirth”, “revival”
or “rediscovery”. The Renaissance Period is an era of “looking back” to the Golden Age of
Greece and Rome.
Renaissance music became famous as entertainment and activity for amateurs and the
educated with the emergence of bourgeois class. Although sacred music was still of great
significance, secular music became more popular in this period. Renaissance Period was also
known as the “golden age” of a cappella choral music.

It is characterized as MUMMI (Mostly polyphonic, Use of word painting in texts and
music, Melodic lines move in a flowing manner, Melodies are easier to perform because these
move along a scale with a few large leaps, and Imitation among the voices is common).
Mass and Madrigal were two types of vocal music during Renaissance Period.

1. Mass is a form of sacred musical composition that sets texts of the Eucharistic liturgy into
music and described as polyphonic, may be sung a cappella or with orchestral accompaniment,
and the text may be syllabic, neumatic, or melismatic. Its five sections are the following; Kyrie
(Lord Have Mercy), Gloria (Glory to God in the Highest), Credo (Apostle’s Creed or Nicean
Creed), Sanctus and Benedictus (Holy, holy and Blessed is He), and Agnus Dei (Lamb of God).

2. Madrigal is a secular vocal polyphonic music composition which originated from Italy. It is
written and expressed in a poetic text and sung during courtly social gatherings. It is
characterized as polyphonic, sung a cappella, through-composed, and frequently in three to six

The two famous composers in this period were;

1. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Rome, 1525-1594
He is known to be the greatest master of Roman Catholic Church music during
Renaissance Period. His Pope Marcellus Mass is held up as perfect counter-reformation style.
2. Thomas Morley, 1557-1602, England, 1157-1602 He was a singer in the local cathedral from his childhood and he became master of choristers there in 1583. He was the most eminent composer of secular music in his time. 
Morley’s works include; Fire, Fire, My Heart, Sing and Chant It, Fantasie, April is in my
Mistress Face, and It was a lover and his lass.

Listening Activity 2
Listen to Morley’s madrigal composition “Fire, Fire, My Heart” using the link below.

LESSON 3: Music of the Baroque Period (1685-1750)
The term Baroque came from the Portuguese word barroco which means “pearl of
irregular shape”.
The arts highlighted grandiose and elaborate ornamentation during this period which
were clearly seen in the musical compositions created by Baroque composers.
There were new instrumental techniques and changes in musical notation were developed
and major and minor tonality was also formed in this era. A lot of the musical terms and
concepts that evolved in this period are still used nowadays.
It is characterized as follows;
Melodies sound elaborate and ornamental.
Melodies are not easy to sing or recall.
Primarily contrapuntal textures with some homophony.
Dynamic contrast-alternation between loud and soft.
Music genres include concerto, concerto grosso, fugue, oratorio, and chorale.
Orchestra consists of strings and continuo.
Harpsichord and organ are the keyboard instruments that are commonly used.
New forms such as binary (AB), ternary (ABC), ground bass, and fugue.

The famous composers during this period were; (JAG)

1. Johann Sebastian Bach, Germany, 1685-1750
He originated from the family of musicians. Bach was a religious man and his personal
and deep faith is seen in his sacred music. He was known for his compositions for organ,
orchestra, and oratorio. He was a cantor or choir leader at St. Thomas Church for a long time.
Bach’s works include:
Concerto Grosso e,g, Brandenburg Concertos
Masses e.g. Mass in B-minor
Cantatas e.g. Cantata 208 and 211
Fugues e.g. Fugue in G minor
Works for clavichord and harpsichord e.g. Well-tempered Clavier

2. Antonio Vivaldi, Venice, 1678-1741
He was known as Il Prete Rosso (The Red Priest) because of his red hair. He was an
Italian Baroque composer, Catholic Priest, and virtuoso violinist. He was renowned as one of the
greatest Baroque composers and his influence during his lifetime was widespread over Europe.
Vivaldi’s famous composition is The Four Seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn, and

3. George Friedrich Handel, Germany, 1685-1759
He secretly taught himself to play harpsichord despite of his father’s opposition. He
studied counterpoint, canon, and fugue under Zachau who is an organist of Halle Cathedral. He
is reminisced for his operas and oratorios . Hence, he became England’s favorite composer.
Handel’s most famous composition is “The Messiah” and the very well known
“Hallelujah” chorus is part of it.

Listening Activity 3:
Listen and watch the following link that features the “Hallelujah” chorus from Handel’s Messiah

Activity 4: Select and Paste

Directions: Select the word/s that describe/s the music of the different periods inside the box. Write your answer on the space provided in the columns of each era.

monophonic                            polyphonic                              Gregorian chant

imitation of voices                  elaborate melodies                  dynamic contrast

operas and orchestras              use of neume notation             madrigal music

contrapuntal textures with some homophony             word painting in texts or music

based on Latin liturgy             mass music                  new musical forms(binary/ternary)






















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IPhone,1,application,1,aquaculture,8,Araling Panlipunan,16,Araling Panlipunan 8,5,Araling Panlipunan I0,54,Araling Panlipunan II,4,Araling Panlipunan IV,31,architec,1,architect,1,Art,3,art of selling,1,Article,12,Arts,6,Arts 8,2,Arts 9,2,Asia,7,asin,1,Assessment Matrix,1,Assyrian,1,Asya,20,athletics,1,attitude,2,attracting,1,Audio,9,AutoCAD,1,Automotive,2,Babylonian,1,badminton,1,bakal,1,bandaging,1,Bar Exam,2,Baroque,2,Basic Calculus,1,batas para sa mamimili,2,becoming,1,best content,1,best course,1,Biology,8,BIR,2,BIR Forms,1,black pepper,1,Blog,8,blogger,2,Bloom,1,blur,1,BMI Calculator,1,Book,21,book of accounts,1,Boost interaction,1,brain,1,breed,1,Brigada,1,Bullying,1,business,3,business mathematics,1,buying,3,camera,1,can't buy,1,cardiovascular,1,career guide,6,carpentry,2,cattle,2,cell,1,cell differences,1,cell membrane,1,cell respiration,1,change,1,CHED,2,chemical,1,Chemical Engineer,2,Chemistry,12,child,1,children,1,China,1,choices,1,Civil Engineering,1,Civil Service,1,classical era,1,Classical Period,1,clients,1,Climate,2,code,1,Colon,1,color control,1,comelec,1,comma,3,Command Economy,1,commercial crops,3,common noun,1,community problem,1,components,1,composers,1,computer,2,computer software,1,connection,1,consumer protection,1,contemporary issues,15,Continue,1,control,2,control drug,1,Cookery,2,Copy,1,copyright,1,costumer,1,course,3,Court,1,cover photo,1,cpa,3,crawl,1,creating video,2,credit,2,Criminologist,1,crop,1,Crop Production,1,crops,1,Cultural,2,culture,1,cures for lean purse,3,Curriculum Guide,58,Curriculum Map,2,customer,4,customer service,1,cut flower,4,Daily Lesson Log,266,death march,1,debit,2,decimal,2,degree,1,demand,1,dentistry,2,DepEd,2,DepEd activities,1,DepEd logo,1,Deped order,1,DepEd seal,1,Deped Tambayan PH,1,description,1,desktop,1,development,2,Disaster Readiness,2,Discipline,2,displacement,1,disposal,1,dissertation,1,distance,1,DLL,266,docking,1,Domestic Violence,1,Download,2,dressmaking,2,drone,1,drop out,1,Drug abuse,1,Drugs,1,Drying,1,duck,1,duck raising,1,ducks,1,e-class record,16,Earl Nightingale,19,Earth,1,Earth and Life Science,1,Earth and Science,1,easier,1,Ebolusyon,1,Economics,83,educate,1,education,1,Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao,16,effective parent,2,effectivesness,1,Eggplant,1,electrical,4,Electronics,2,electronics engineer,1,elementary,1,elements,1,Elements of Style,2,employees,1,engineer,1,English,28,English 10,5,entrepreneur,5,entrepreneurship,1,environment,1,environmental problem,1,EPP,4,equation,1,Erectus,1,ESP,5,EsP 10,4,Estate Broker,1,ethics,1,events,1,exam,43,examination,73,excel unlock,1,exercise,1,extortion,1,Facebook,4,facebook comment,2,Facebook verified,1,fail,1,failure,2,farm equipments,1,farm implements,1,farming,1,Father,1,Fattening purse,1,feasibility study,1,feed,1,fertile crescent,1,fiber,1,fiber crops,4,field,1,File,1,file formats,1,File menu,1,Filipino,15,Filipino 9,2,Finding Luck,1,Firm environment,1,First Quarter,1,fitness,1,flexibility,1,folk dance,1,follow,1,follower,1,Food (fish) Processing,2,Forest,1,Forest conservation,1,forest coservation,1,forestry,1,form,3,Form 137 Template,1,Format,1,forms,1,Fourth Quarter,3,fraction,2,franchising,2,fruits,1,FRY,1,function,1,function of Meta Tags,1,Fundamentals of ABM 1,1,Future Control,1,gaining weight,1,games,1,Gang,1,garlic,1,gas,1,Gender,1,General Mathematics,1,generator,1,gentleman,1,George S. 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Materials,1,instrumental music,1,Insurance,1,integrated,1,integrated farming system,1,intentional injuries,4,interesting life,1,internet,2,internet protocol IP,1,intracellular components,1,introvert,1,investing,1,IP adress,1,IPCRF,2,Japan,1,java,1,jobs,10,journal,1,jump,1,K to 12,254,Kanlurang Asya,2,keywords,3,kidnapping,1,kids,1,kindergarten,6,kinematics,1,Kompetisyon,1,kontinente,1,Korea,1,kultura,2,labor code,6,labor law,5,land preparation,2,langis,1,laptop,1,latitude,1,law,2,LDM2 Portfolio,1,Lead the Field,13,leadership1,2,Learners Materials,3,learning,5,learning materials,102,learning Modules,5,lecture,2,legumes,1,LET,1,life,3,life science,1,link,1,literacy,1,Literary,1,literature,1,location,1,logo,1,lokasyon,1,longitude,1,losing weight,1,love,1,low paying,1,loyalty,1,magic from the brain,1,Magnus Effect,1,magsasaka,1,manage emotion,1,manage thoughts,1,management function,1,Mapeh,34,Mapeh 8,2,Mapeh 9,16,Market Economy,1,marketer,1,marketing,2,Masonry,1,master key,1,Matatag 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Asya,1,SIM,1,single conjunction,1,skills,4,smarter,3,social media,5,Social Studies,1,society,1,soil sampling,1,soybean,1,Speech,1,speed,1,spice,2,Spice crops,5,spoiled,1,SSG,1,stalking,1,states of matter,1,Statistics,2,stories,2,structure,1,students,2,study,1,sub menu,1,subscribers,1,success,2,successful,3,sukat,1,Sumerian,1,sunflower,1,suplay,1,supply,1,system,1,tags,1,tala,1,tanso,1,TAX,2,Teachers,6,Teachers Guide,1,Teachers Personal Forms,1,teaching,2,teaching degree,1,Teaching Guide,49,Technical Drafting,2,Technical Evaluation,1,techniques,2,technological monopoly,1,techpopop,1,term paper,4,TESDA,1,test,1,The Millionaire Fastlane,13,The Richest Man in Babylon,7,Theatre,1,theme,1,Therapist,1,thesis,4,things,1,think,1,threshing,1,throws,1,Timog Asya,1,Timog Silangang Asya,1,TLE,92,TLE 10,10,TLE IV,37,tool,2,toolbox,1,toolkit,1,topic,1,TOS,3,tourist spot,4,track and field,2,Tradisyonal na Ekonomiya,1,traffic,1,TRAIN,1,transaction,1,trust,1,tungsten,1,tutorial,1,Unang Kabihasnan,1,Unang Tao,1,unexpected,1,units,1,UPCAT,2,upgrading,2,UST,1,Value,1,vector,1,vegetable,1,verbal abuse,1,vermicomposting,1,vermiculture,1,vermiworms,1,video,4,Video Lesson,7,video title,1,videos,3,viewers,3,Violence,1,Vocal,1,Vocal Music,2,VPN,1,Walang Pasok,1,walk,1,waste,1,waste management,1,we become what we think about,1,website,1,welcome,1,welding,1,wika,2,William Strunk Jr.,2,work,1,work plan,1,workspace,1,world,1,worms,1,worry,1,wrestling,1,writing,3,yamang likas,4,yamang mineral,1,Yamang Tao,1,your story,1,youth,1,YouTube,12,zambia,1,Zero to one,9,zinc,1,Zumba,1,
Techpopop: What are the Musical Elements of Selected Vocal and Instrumental music of Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Period | Music 9
What are the Musical Elements of Selected Vocal and Instrumental music of Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Period | Music 9
Musical Elements of Selected Vocal and Instrumental music of Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Period
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